Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Well, if my expanding waist line won't compel me to eat healthier...

Hmmm...if higher prices at the gas pumps compelled people to think about global warming, just think what higher prices at your local McDonald's would do. Run, don't walk to Costco! Stock up on that Crisco! Horde your Wesson! There's a crisis abrewing! From CNet News:

Biodiesel to drive up the cost of cooking oil

If you think the high price of gas has been irritating, wait until you see the cost of french fries.

The popularity of biodiesel--made from vegetable matter intead of fossil fuels--"will tighten the supply of vegetable oils," William Camp, executive vice president of Archer Daniels Midland, said during a presentation at the ThinkEquity Partners Growth Conference in San Francisco.

Because agricultural prices typically fluctuate with supply levels, the vegetable oil shortage could cause food prices to rise.

(read the article for more)

1 comment:

Dutch said...

Sweet merciful crap! Could we actually kill the two biggest of our birds with one stone? On the one hand, we leave the middle east to go back to killing themselves, we produce cleaner energy, and we make garbage food a luxury item, reversing the trend and gaining better health in the trade off?

Wait! That's three brids! Damn, that's a whole flock!