Tuesday, September 19, 2006

This just seems like a bad idea on so many levels...

I'm sure most of you have tried a Red Bull or similar energy drink. Hot on the heels of this beverage fad is Cocaine. When I first saw this, I thought it was a joke. As if kids didn't get enough mixed signals about alcohol, smoking, sex--now they're supposed to believe that cocaine is actually good for you.

I especially like this quote from the drink's creator, James Kirby:

It's an energy drink, and it's a fun name. As soon as people look at the can, they smile.
It's fun?! Perhaps the end of days is eminent. God help us...


Fandango6 said...

I keep a can of "GURU" energy drink on my bookshelf at work. my sister-in-law gave it to me as a present i think. you never know when you will need a natural enengy drink, sitting at your computer all day.

Fandango6 said...

oh, i also like this one.
i know you've all seen it somewhere on a shelf.

Swany said...

I've found that my body does OK with Red Bull--I'm not sure there's much more caffeine in that then a cup of coffee. But everything else seems to have guarana in it (including the aforementioned Amp), which tends to give me heart palpitations and diarrhea. Not good.

I'm waiting for kids to start taking "Cocaine" to school. Maybe it's time to break out those G.I. Joe PSA ads--weren't those really effective? Pork sandwiches?!