Monday, December 29, 2008

A New Years Gift for Everyone

I really liked JT's D@#$ in a Box video from a few years ago, and it was a running joke for about a month with everyone I knew. I am not quite sure this will take the same place in my near future, but this one is just about as funny.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to the Kool Aid Gang

I hope you got what you wanted from your loved ones, because Santa might have some trouble getting your gifts to you.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

It ain't easy being cheesy...

So here is the Periodic Table of Awesome. I was pleased to see that cheese, cheetahs, and Kool-Aid made the list. Alas, they left off Cheetos.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is Christian Bale the new action hero?

I tend to think of Christian Bale as a serious dramatic actor for some reason, but when you think about his film resume, it's surprising that's he's been in so many action-oriented mainstream movies.  Batman Begins/The Dark Knight, 3:10 to Yuma, Reign of Fire, Equilibrium, and soon as John Conner in Terminator: Salvation.  It's like he's becoming a modern day Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone, but with better acting skills.  Anywho, I thought making a Terminator 3 was a bit of overkill for the franchise, and wasn't thinking Terminator: Salvation would amount to much more (especially given that it's directed by McG), but this trailer looks pretty awesome:

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Cult of Apple...

My Blackberry Pearl is on its last legs.  The speaker is giving me garbled up sound, the battery cover is falling off, and the memory is maxed out to the point that I can't even hang up on a call most of the time unless I pull the battery out.  If you know anyone who's owned a Blackberry, they're kind of addicting and it's no surprise that a Crackberry cult exists.  Even Barack Obama is trying to figure out how he can still keep his Blackberry when he is sworn in as President.  Of course, like anyone who's seen an iPhone, I've always had a bit of envy, and now I'm thinking about changing my allegiance to the iPhone cult.  My only concern is that I'll become one of these Mapple followers from a recent episode of The Simpsons.  Scary:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Let's go Tigers!

I guess you've got to give Graham Harrell credit.  Despite playing most of the game without his favorite receiver and with a shattered hand, he still eeked out a win for the Red Raiders.  I can't say I really expected the Baylor Bears to pull off the upset, though.  And because of the Tech win, oddly enough, we all had to root for yet another Landstealer win yesterday.  Now I don't ever wish injury to anyone, but I kind of have to find some hope in the fact that Sam Bradford won't be 100% going into the Big 12 championship game.  Would an OU loss be enough to push Texas back up the BCS poll just enough for a trip to Miami?  

I'm still sickened by all this Sooner support I've had to muster over the past two weeks.  I'm much more comfortable cheering for the Missouri Tigers.  What a relief!