Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is Christian Bale the new action hero?

I tend to think of Christian Bale as a serious dramatic actor for some reason, but when you think about his film resume, it's surprising that's he's been in so many action-oriented mainstream movies.  Batman Begins/The Dark Knight, 3:10 to Yuma, Reign of Fire, Equilibrium, and soon as John Conner in Terminator: Salvation.  It's like he's becoming a modern day Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone, but with better acting skills.  Anywho, I thought making a Terminator 3 was a bit of overkill for the franchise, and wasn't thinking Terminator: Salvation would amount to much more (especially given that it's directed by McG), but this trailer looks pretty awesome:


Dutch said...

This looks highly watchable.

Who is McG?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, who is McG?

I wonder too if this idea of a franchise isn't often carried on for theme park purposes. Last summer when we were at Universal Studios, I went to the Terminator "ride" wondering why this thing was still there. Maybe they made the movie so they wouldn't have to change the park?

The other gripe I have about this movie, is that in a weird sort of way, I feel like I need to see the other three movies again so I can make the most of this story. Time travel is so messed up that I think this one is going to play on that theme.

I did like the big "machine" there at the end of the clip.