Thursday, March 27, 2008

If only my mom had made me play the guitar instead of the piano, I could have been a rock god...

This kid is eight year old. Imagine the riffs he'll be wailing out when he's eighteen!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A perfect storm of blunders...

Due to a malfunction of communication between my TiVo and Dish Network receiver (FYI: Dish Network SUCKS!), I wasn't able to see the first part of the Frontline special "Bush's War" on PBS, but the second half I watched last night was a nice intelligent connect-the-dots documentary of what seemed to be a perfect storm of an impressionable president, a couple of overzealous paranoid cabinet members (i.e. Cheney and Rumsfeld), a marginalized National Security Advisor, and a Secretary of State that had some common sense about the whole thing, but always seemed to lose the argument in the face of the Vice President, that coalesced into the disaster that is Iraq. Although the intentions of everyone in charge was probably in the right place, it's kind of scary knowing how clueless some of those in charge really were. You watch interviews that seem to clearly show that the right information was there, but no one of importance would listen.

Anywho, if you've got time to watch the 4+ hour documentary, you can catch it in full on the PBS website.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Suddenly, the lunar landing doesn't seem all that anymore...

This is a map of the paths that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took after Apollo 11 landed on the moon overlayed on top of an average baseball diamond. You'd think with all the time and energy they took to get to the moon, they'd have walked around just a wee bit more to stretch their legs.

Yeah, once you see the notes, it looks so easy...

I saw this on John Mayer's blog and thought it was the coolest thing I've seen in awhile--John Coltrane performing "Giant Steps" with his improvised solo coming to life on sheets of music:

I wonder if they'll actually show his face...

Considering the director is responsible for some major pieces of cinematic crap like The Mummy and Van Helsing, I'm not holding my breath that G.I. Joe coming out in 2009 will be a great movie. Still, this promotional picture release from Paramount Pictures looks kind of promising, and I like some of the people they've assembled for the cast.

I'm sure a climactic ninja battle between Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow must be in the script. As long as they don't mess that up, they can throw in all the Yo Joe Cola they want into the movie. Heck, even the inclusion of Zartan as a villain might not spoil the fun for me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

One semester of Spanish

Too bad my one semester was in junior high and taught by an old woman who was once a Playboy bunny, otherwise I might be able to sing this song to my lover.

Editorial Note: It is oddly coincidental that these last two videos are by the same guy. This video was sent to me a fwe days back and I had intended to post it a couple of days ago, and the Honest R&B Song was heard on the radio this morning. Anyway, I guess this is just pointless bannter that only goes to show you that I think this guy is funny.

For those "Business Time" Lovers

Friday, March 14, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What not to wear...

I saw this photo comparison on a blog somewhere.  If you're ever a governor caught in an illicit affair or sex scandal, take a cue from Eliot Spitzer from New York or James McGreevey from New Jersey.  Dark grey suit, red striped tie, wife by your side in tranquil blue jacket and pearls, wimpering upturned lower lip.  Yup.  Works every time.

Perhaps this is why I wasn't popular with the ladies...

As some of you may have heard or read about, Gary Gygax died last week.  Here is The New York Times tribute to his lifetime achievement, the creation of Dungeons and Dragons.  I especially like the only path to "GIRLS."

Monday, March 10, 2008

Another four years?

I was reading this article in The New York Times about some of the infighting and disorganization going on in the Clinton camp, and thought this kind of sounded familiar. It's like what most of the critics of the Bush administration complain about:

Still, interviews with campaign aides, associates and friends suggest that Mrs. Clinton, at least until February, was a detached manager. Juggling the demands of being a candidate, she paid little attention to detail, delegated decisions large and small and deferred to advisers on critical questions. Mrs. Clinton accepted or seemed unaware of the intense factionalism and feuding that often paralyzed her campaign and that prevented her aides from reaching consensus on basic questions like what states to fight in and how to go after Mr. Obama, of Illinois.

Mrs. Clinton showed a tendency toward an insular management style, relying on a coterie of aides who have worked for her for years, her aides and associates said. Her choice of lieutenants, and her insistence on staying with them even when friends urged her to shake things up, was blamed by some associates for the campaign’s woes. Again and again, the senator was portrayed as a manager who valued loyalty and familiarity over experience and expertise.

Just based on this article, I'm not sure Hillary sounds much more competent as a leader than George W. For all the hoopla about how the country needs a new kind of leadership and an end to cronies, I'm not sure the Democrats can provide it either if the Clintons were back in power.

And I actually find it kind of sad how the Dems are yet again screwing up a perfect opportunity to get some semblance of control in the government simply by a bunch of infighting. I'm not sure McCain has to do much except let the two Democratic nominees beat each other up until the Democratic Convention. And this whole debacle with the disenfranchised primary votes in Michigan and Florida--only the Democrats could create such a fiasco. You can always leave it up to the Democrats to shoot themselves in the foot and start the whole contest with a handicap.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spare a square and give peace a chance...

Mark your calendars--April 18th is Poop for Peace Day.

Poop is the one experience all human beings have in common. We may have varying ideas of God and politics, but the power of an impending poop is a higher calling to which every human must answer. Side by side in a public bathroom, any two human beings are stripped of their differences and reduced to their most basic essence: a pair of feet sticking out below the stall, and a pair of butt trumpets performing a greasy symphony to lament humanity's non-negotiable deference to the call of the vile.
I'm on my way to making my poop posting quota for the month.