Saturday, February 28, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Maybe you're just a little too good with that Wiimote...

So I got myself a Wii last week, but I'm not sure I'll look at it quite the same after this SNL skit from the last show:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm hoping Nintendo will sponsor a team and call their car the Super Mario Kart...

I was interested to read about this rumor that there may be an American F1 racing team in the works. I won't rehash my frustrations about the stereotypical American race car fan and his odd love of NASCAR, but I'm hoping having an American team in Formula One will perk up domestic interests in the superior racing league. 

I'm surprised more people don't flock to Formula One anyway with the popularity of video games these days.  After all, F1 cars seem to be taking cues from games like Super Mario Kart.  Take this video from the Red Bull F1 team showcasing the new technology in their 2009 Renault-built RB5 that includes a nifty regenerative braking system to store up electrical power that can be used for an extra six second boost of speed.  So the thing essentially has turbo boost at the drop of a button.  TURBO BOOST!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The things we should have done after drinking all that beer...

I watched this video and for some reason kept thinking of that collection of empty Milwaukee's Best cans W.M. Scratch had in his college dorm room:

Don't forget...

This ad is a little racy and definitely NSFW, but a timely reminder for all the guys here at the Kool-Aid Gang:

Sums Up How I Felt About It All

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ode to a grocery store...

I don't know how many of you have a Trader Joe's nearby, but I know I don't anymore.  If you do, you'll probably appreciate this video. If you don't, perhaps someday the fates will smile upon you and Trader Joe's will expand into your area:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I think the contractor inflated some pricing somewhere...

Some dude in Canada has estimated the price tag for one Death Star.  The cost?  $15,602,022,489,829,821,422,840,226...and 94 cents. I'm guessing Darth Vader's Tie Fighter insurance rates went up after they blew up the first one!  Ha!  Cricket chirps.  Thump, thump, thump.  Uh, is this mike on?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yeah, this has been my experience with Apple.

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

When less is more...

It's easy to be amazed by the intricate detail that must go into building grand Lego statues like what Firecracker George posted about awhile back.  But I thought this more abstract and simple view of New York City through the selective use of Legos from a blog on The New York Times website was pretty cool, too.

Who needs talent when you've got a computer?

Microsoft Soundsmith is an application that generates an appropriate musical accompaniment to any vocals you lay down. This has created a whole slew of refreshed versions of modern classics, such as this reimagining of "Wonderwall" by Oasis:

Soundsmith isn't limited to mere vocals, however. Even the recent stock market meltdown has provided inspiration for musical genius. Suddenly, that big hit I took in my stock portfolio doesn't seem so depressing anymore:

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Give Daddy a kiss...

No doubt you can guess what my favorite Super Bowl commercial was.  

Yo Joe! I guess there's no way to say that and feel cool...

My 11 year old nostalgic brain that had no sense of realism or physics is liking this trailer of the new G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra movie scheduled for release in August 2009. My 35 year old brain is thinking this is the biggest waste of a potentially lucrative film idea since Highlander II: The Quickening. Looking back on my old posts, I reminded myself that I owe everyone here in the Kool-Aid Gang a round of beers if this movie truly becomes the stinker film of the year.  I guess I may try saving up the money now.  Note the way both of the film titles above are worded--the need for colons in titles is never a reassuring sign of quality.  It's not the sure sign of a bad movie (e.g. Terminator 2: Judgement Day was, in some respects, a better film than Terminator), but G.I. Joe is already breaking out one for the first movie.  Uh oh.