Friday, May 29, 2009

A cautionary tale...

I'm not sure where this unaired episode of Tiny Toons came from, but I found it quite funny. Buster convinces Plucky and Hamton to join him in trying a beer resulting in the trio getting drunk of their asses...on one bottle of beer. I've heard of nursing a beer before, but how they manage to make this bottle last so long is amazing. And there's a part in this where Plucky comes across a police car they eventually steal that made me think he was about to say, "Oh, Maserati. Much better than my car. And what's this? Keys?!"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Guess I won't be using this to learn Chinese...

The bootleg copy of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (or in Chinese pirate language, Star War: The Backstroke of the West) some guy picked up in China ended up with some rather interesting subtitles.  Below is what may be the greatest catchphrase since, "Boy, am I cool!"  

Even crazier was the fact that they decided to subtitle the scrolling intro.  Perhaps it's really some sort of secret code:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I didn't even know they were doing a remake. Some sci-fi fan I am. Some of you may remember the V role playing game I was creating using the old Star Wars D6 rules. I read every V novel to get the facts and lore straight. They were pretty good reads, the original novel especially. Here's hoping this V is good as well. Although the lack of Micheal Ironsides and Marc Singer is crippling it already for me.

Monday, May 25, 2009

What makes his unstoppableness so unstoppable?

I'm just loving these Nike MVPuppet ads. My wish is that the Lakers and Cavaliers go all the way so that these commercials may continue:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

So, anyone want to enter a soapbox derby?

I don't know if you guys have seen this, but every year Redbull hosts a few soapbox derbies. This year they're in L.A. and Hotlanta. It looks like Atlanta still is taking submissions, which is basically a sketch of your soapbox racer. I had some ideas, and wanted to know if any of you wanted to do it.

Now I know all of our situations aren't ideal right now to go have a soap box race, but when I thought about it, they never are. Every so often, we need to do something goofy like this, so if anyone wants to try it out, let me know by email.

Check out the race particulars here.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I wasn't sure I was going to get to this one first, but this is definately the place to report such findings.

Reported by Beth Wagner (Dallas CBS 11 News)

Dallas Couple Sees Jesus Inside Cheese Snack

"Dan and Sara Bell of Dallas found a Jesus-shaped Cheeto while on a road trip last week. They have since nicknamed the figure "Cheesus."

Many people have seen and heard about the likeness of Jesus turning up in unlikely places. Now, one North Texas family says they found Jesus in a cheese snack.Dan Bell found his vision of Jesus last week at the gas station. "We were leaving town. I stopped by to fill up with gas and bought some snacks."Inside a 99-cent bag of Cheetos brand cheese snacks, Dan and his wife Sara found something unique.

Sara recalls the discovery. "I was putting them in my hand and I had eaten most of the ones in my hand, and one was left lying there. And I said, 'Oh my gosh, look at this. It really looks like a person in a robe praying.'"Dan looked over. "I said, 'Wow, it does look like a praying Jesus.'"The couple nicknamed it "Cheesus.""Cheesus" is about two inches tall. Despite missing a right arm, the Bells see a body, hair, robe and even a tiny face. They say it is a reminder of their blessings from God; but primarily they think it's a funny Cheeto.

Various incarnations of "Cheesus" have shown up before; in Houston, Missouri and on the internet site YouTube. The Bells' Cheeto ended up on the front page of the Preston Hollow newspaper. The big question, what to do with it now?Dan says his first reaction was, "Let's put this on eBay. How much do you think we should ask for it? It could be 25 cents, could be 25 dollars. If it's only 25 cents, we're just going to eat it."For now, they are keeping "Cheesus" in a plastic box.

"Funny Cheeto..." Cheetos are not funny, they are serious and delicious. They should eat the Cheesus and enjoy the cheesy crunch.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lemon's blonde moment of the day...

So my wife was flipping through channels and watched some movie with
Jessica Biel. Later, she asked me, "So is Justin Timberlake's
girlfriend Latino?"

"No. I don't think so. Why?"

"Because she was speaking such good Spanish in that movie." And then,
a short pause as her brain finally kicked in. "Oh, uh, actually,

"Why?" I asked.

"Oh, well, was playing on the Spanish channel. No wonder she
sounded so fluent."

Sent from my iPhone

So's your Mother Trebek!

Not sure who caught the season finale of SNL hosted by Will Farrel last night, but it was classic through and through. In a night that saw more celebrity walk-ons then I could count, this sketch was still more then I could have hoped for.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tweny dollar Chinese food...

The problem with having a DVR/TiVo is that you sometimes miss some pretty clever commercials.  Still not a reason that I would give up skipping ads.  Anywho, I saw this Nike commercial the other day and was laughing my ass off:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Never say die...

Saw a post about this on Pop Candy. As part of Empire magazine's 20th anniversary, they got the cast of The Goonies back together for a photo shoot.  I found this especially nostalgic considering all of us here at the Kool-Aid Gang were probably about the same age as the Goonies when this movie came out.  

And how is it that all the plump kids back in the day grow up to be lean and skinny?  That's "Chunk" sitting under Richard Donner on the right.  

Friday, May 8, 2009

Do not underestimate the power of the Force...

I guess the release of the new Star Trek movie tonight has renewed the debate as to whether the Star Trek or Star Wars universe is king.  A couple of videos may settle this one:

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dork Yearbook

In today's Pop Candy, there is a link to a site - Dork Yearbook. I think I need to dig up some photos, because I feel I have some worthy submissions. Many of the glasses look like Swany or my old pair of Charley Brown's. Sweet.