Thursday, June 25, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Now that's a TV show I wouldn't mind watching...

Looking back at my posts lately, I'm realizing that I've fallen into a rut of endless YouTube videos rather than any meaningful written content. It seems my ability to write anything remotely insightful or clever has suffered as I get more busy and tired with work. So does that mean I'm going to write something insightful or clever right now? Heck no. I'm beat!

Anywho, I've seen this mashup on a couple of sites and thought it was amusing enough to share. See the second video to see how it compares to the original. I guess this shows there's only so many ways a director can frame a shot:

Monday, June 1, 2009

Star Wars: The Old Republic

The first cinematic trailer for the new Star Wars MMO was realeased today. It doesn't show any actual in-game footage, but it is perhaps the finest piece of Star Wars action put on film in a very long time.
Just a little info on the game, it takes place about 1000 years before the films and focuses on the Sith/Jedi wars. No release date for the game yet, but rest assured I'll be keeping you ahead, abreast, and afoot of new info about it.