Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A perfect storm of blunders...

Due to a malfunction of communication between my TiVo and Dish Network receiver (FYI: Dish Network SUCKS!), I wasn't able to see the first part of the Frontline special "Bush's War" on PBS, but the second half I watched last night was a nice intelligent connect-the-dots documentary of what seemed to be a perfect storm of an impressionable president, a couple of overzealous paranoid cabinet members (i.e. Cheney and Rumsfeld), a marginalized National Security Advisor, and a Secretary of State that had some common sense about the whole thing, but always seemed to lose the argument in the face of the Vice President, that coalesced into the disaster that is Iraq. Although the intentions of everyone in charge was probably in the right place, it's kind of scary knowing how clueless some of those in charge really were. You watch interviews that seem to clearly show that the right information was there, but no one of importance would listen.

Anywho, if you've got time to watch the 4+ hour documentary, you can catch it in full on the PBS website.

1 comment:

Dutch said...

I'm not normally a conspiracy nut, but I feel like the reasons were more overt than accidental. I think they have more to do with making rich people richer at the expense of everyone else.