Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Cult of Apple...

My Blackberry Pearl is on its last legs.  The speaker is giving me garbled up sound, the battery cover is falling off, and the memory is maxed out to the point that I can't even hang up on a call most of the time unless I pull the battery out.  If you know anyone who's owned a Blackberry, they're kind of addicting and it's no surprise that a Crackberry cult exists.  Even Barack Obama is trying to figure out how he can still keep his Blackberry when he is sworn in as President.  Of course, like anyone who's seen an iPhone, I've always had a bit of envy, and now I'm thinking about changing my allegiance to the iPhone cult.  My only concern is that I'll become one of these Mapple followers from a recent episode of The Simpsons.  Scary:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how the Simpsons so easily takes a part of our everyday lives and shines a light on it in a humorous way.

I would have an iphone in a heartbeat if it weren't for the exclusivity with AT&T.