Tuesday, September 5, 2006

I think my IQ just dropped 10 points just watching this

Scootypuff's recent post about the so-called British rapper Lady Sovereign made me think of this video of Mr. Britney Spears Kevin Federline, or I guess K-Fed using his hip hop name to give him some serious street cred. And I thought Vanilla Ice was painful. I'll label this as NSFW, only because if you get caught watching this at work, you'll likely be ridiculed for the rest of your career.


Dutch said...

I have no sympathy for you. That move completely lacked common sense. It's like setting yourself on fire and complaining that it burns.

Has anyone noticed that the only thing keeping Britany Spears in the public eye is the ins and outs of her personal life? Does she perform anymore? I hope she invested wisely, because if they're depending on K-Fed's income for support, their next home will have wheels.

W.M. Scratch said...

oMy eyes! My eyes! Aurgghh the pain! My ears! My ears! I wish I were deaf.

What a tool.