Friday, September 22, 2006

Sometimes TiVo can be so bad

Crap! My TiVo didn't record last night's season premeire of The Office. Once everyone's seen it, someone will have to give me a recap. I guess Grey's Anatomy is higher up on the Season Pass list and recorded some stupid "catch-me-up on what happened last season with lots of clips" episode. Crap! Damn! Sh!tty @ss rat f*ck!! Who made up that phrase anyway?


Dutch said...

My uncle made that one up.

Fandango6 said...

so after you tell me that TIVO is the way to go, and it doesn't work? not setting up a good track record here.

now i have to look into a DVR instead.

Swany said...

The TiVo worked, just worked too well. Technically, that Grey's Anatomy recap show was a new episode and should have been recorded over The Office based on my programming. Computers never make mistakes, right? A dual tuner TiVo would have easily remedied this situation.

Actually, I hate Harleys. I'd probably go buy a Japanese or Italian crotch rocket if I ever got permission to ride a motocycle. Until then, I'll stick to my dream of a Lotus.

And you're talking (typing) to the guy that probably spends more time online than breathing. Well, that's not possible, but I say that to make a point that I research everything I buy. I don't select things just for the brand name--I select the best! ;-)

Oh, and thanks for the six-line recap.