Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Pull out your 3-D Glasses

One of my big regrets of last year was not getting tickets to U2's Vertigo Tour. Luckily, I'll get to see that tour in psychedelic 3-D!

Probably beats nosebleed seats behind an arena support beam. By the way, Wankmaster, I think I still have your unused ticket from one of those crappy seats when Wild Willie, Fandango, and I went down to see U2 at the Astrodome back in freshman year.


Swany said...

Dude, I don't remember who your RA was. Actually, I don't remember who mine was, either. Was she really that hot? Maybe it was just those raging freshman hormones intermixed with living in a co-ed dorm. Ah, Jester--those were the days. Who am I kidding? That place sucked! Yeah, I don't miss dorm life at all.

W.M. Scratch said...

CRAP!!!! Do I still owe you for that ticket. Should have gone with you guys. I can't remember what my lame excuse was at the time. Probably school or something stupid.

My RA was pretty hot... Maybe that was my excuse for not going.