Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Shake your booty and bring the tooty

This is my niece and nephew's new mantra, which has replaced their previous, "dog poop." (Or rather, "daaaaahhhhgg poooop.")

Nothing ground breaking about it, besides being created by a five and three year old. It is catchy, however, and by the time my brother and I got them out of the tub and into their pj's, I'd heard it so much that I kept repeating it during my work out.

Lat bar goes down - "Shake your booty..."

Lat bar goes up - "And bring the tooty."

Repeat 44 more times.


Swany said...

Dude, add a little bass, some beat box, and a little mixing help from Timbaland, and you've got a hip hop hit on your hands!

W.M. Scratch said...

Another one to add to my endless list of mindless songs that I learned in elementary school, and horrible jingles played on TV at least 2000 times.

I love it.