Friday, October 13, 2006

Still lost with Lost...

Ah, yes. I finally got around to catching up on TiVo. Another week of Lost. More answers. More questions.

I don't know if anyone has an American Express Card, but there's a site for AmEx cardholders that gives you an episode synopsis each week supposedly cluing you in to events during the show that are significant. Membership has it's privileges, I guess.

My thoughts about this week's show:

  1. Does anyone else think Juliet's going to turn out to be creepier than Henry Gale/Benjamin Linus? There's definitely something sinister going with her. I think her picking Stephen King's Carrie as her favorite book to discuss at book club last week is supposed to tell us something.
  2. I suppose we're supposed to think that Jae Lee jumped out the window and killed himself. My preposterous thought of the week is that Sun has special powers and killed him herself, then pushed him out the window. They never did show little Sun at the beginning of the show handling the glass ballerina that broke. Maybe she was levitating it with her yet unrevealed telekinetic powers before it fell!
  3. Henry/Benjamin living on the island all his life? Maybe it's metaphorical. They keep flashing back to the hidden demons each Lostie is grappling with. Perhaps the island is a place of confession and salvation. He's been living there since being "born again."
  4. The Others must have special abilities. How else to explain them sneaking onto the boat without Jin and Sayid seeing them?
  5. The Others don't know about Desmond, as they didn't seem to know about his sailboat. Perhaps their ignorance of his presence on the island will have bigger implications later.
  6. I'm guessing Jack will be asked to kill someone in exchange for his freedom from the island.
Anywho, Battlestar Galactica tonight. I haven't commented about the season premiere yet because I wasn't as jazzed about it as I thought I would be. It was a little too obviously allegorical to the present issues in Iraq for my entertainment tastes. Maybe I'll change my mind after the season progresses a bit more.

1 comment:

Swany said...

Carrie was about an akward teenage girl who is ridiculed at school when she has her first menstrual period during gym class, which snowballs into a chain of events that eventually leads to the destruction of her high school during prom and lots of death as a result of her emerging telekinetic powers. Even more reason to think the show has something to do with special abilities. Carrie's mother is hyper-religious, and her upbringing explains why Carrie is viewed as being so "odd" by her classmates. This plays into my theory that the Others have all been "born again" and that Juliet perhaps is setting up for a big rebellion of her own.

Anywho, that's what I got from the Brian de Palma's screen adaptation of Carrie. I've never read Stephen King's novel. If anyone else has read the original source material, please feel free to correct me.

My theory about Sun? Yeah, I'm grasping at straws here. Maybe the whole point of last week's episode was to show us that Sun really has a profound capacity to lie and hide secrets in order to protect herself. This must be her "sin" that she must repent for on the island.