Friday, October 6, 2006

It's crack, I tell you! It's crack!

Some of you (well, Wild Willie, at least) probably have wondered why I haven't posted anything regarding the season premiere of Lost this week. That would be because I waited until last night to watch it. Maybe I shouldn't have, because all of those obsessive thoughts about what the heck is going on have flooded back into my brain. There's definitely an addiction component to this show, because I'm pretty sure I got a high watching last night.

So the premiere episode was titled "A Tale of Two Cities", but I can't for the life of me figure out what this segment of Lost had to do with the Charles Dickens' book.

Except for all the damn commercial breaks, I thought this episode was awesome. Sure, there's even more questions that have been raised, but that's what makes this show so addictive.

Questions I have from this episode:

  1. What the heck did they do to Kate after her beachside breakfast? Her wrists looked pretty bloody from those handcuffs.
  2. You realize that Jack's dad never explicity said that he didn't sleep with Sarah. Hmmm... Actually, I think Sarah is all part of this vast Dharma Initiative conspiracy, although I don't know how to piece it together.
  3. Who is "Chachie"? An Others plant? And how did Sawyer come up with that nickname anyway?
  4. Did Sawyer get blood taken from him or an injection? Notice that he didn't remove any bandaid or what not from his arm like Jack and Kate.
  5. I guess we can assume that the polar bears on the island were caged up where Kate and Sawyer are now. Perhaps the shark was in Jack's aquarium prison? Does this mean anything?
  6. Will this show ever give me real answers, or lead me on like a back alley crack dealer?

1 comment:

Swany said...

Yeah, but Chachie seemed to just come out of the blue. My favorite was "Jabba" for Hurley.