Friday, January 26, 2007

Ode to a Flaming Anus

Let's see...

Jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped with bacon one night,
Hotwings and beer the next night,
And now I'm catching the jalapenos from my sub sandwich and stuffing them back in.
(Heaven forbid I deny myself any of Nature's Napalm.)

I must unconciously hate my own rectum.

I guess now I'll sit here as I must,
And wait for my butthole to spontaneously combust.


Swany said...

Good thing you didn't add kim chi to the mix. That would have been liable to give you full thickness burns to your poop hole. My butt is hurting just thinking about it.

Wander said...

"If you're ever at a party with a proctologist, hang out with him, because he's got the best stories. And they always start with the patient saying the same thing... It was a one in a million shot, Doc. A one in a million shot."
-Cosmo Kramer