Sunday, July 8, 2007

Freakin' Hilarious

I might boast that I am more technologically advanced than others in the TV gadgetry arena than others on this blog, but that might just make them jealous. Regardless, I will go ahead and share with you some of the advantages of having not only an HDTV but also having HD programming. Through my cable provider I get some channels that are not broadcast on normal cable or satellite. Some of those channels are INHD and HDNet. HDNet has been one of my favorites recently because it has been replaying the television show Arrested Development.

I remember hearing, years ago while it was still on TV, that the Fox television show was a really good show that never got its due. I read reviews that said such, and I had even heard from other people who watched the show that it was a great show and really funny. I remember even hearing about some of the news about it getting canceled because FOX never really tried to make it a hit. While it was on though I never watched to see if all the stuff I was hearing had any merit. Now that I have watched at least 20 episodes of the three seasons it was on the air, I have to admit that it is one of the funniest sitcoms I have ever seen. It is extremely clever, and I have to be on my game, so to speak, in order to catch all the humor. (example: Buster who is in love with his mother Lucille gets his hand bit off by a loose seal. This humor is easily lost here on the blog so it would behoove you to go watch it.) Some of the humor is easy to get such as Tobias's aptitude to talk using extremely homosexual overtones and not realize it. (example: "I love going to the spa and getting a facial.")

For the Kool-Aid Gang, I highly recommend it as an addition to your Netflix que. This will allow you to watch it in quick succession, making even more of the jokes easier to catch. Or if you wish you can check them out here on your computer and watch them on your work breaks.


Wander said...

Yeah, Arrested Development was without a doubt the best thing Fox ever had in its "Tween" time slot (the golden half hour between The Simpsons and whatever animated do'jour was next). Tellulah especially loved it. We've talked about getting it on dvd several times. I highly, highly recommend it as well. But, I'm a huge David Cross fan anyway thanks to 'Mr. Show' (never seen it? Netflix it now!!! Best cable sketch comedy show ever in my opinion)

W.M. Scratch said...

Work breaks??? What the hell are those?

Dutch said...

Usually about seven hours of my day.