Thursday, July 19, 2007

A question to all the swimmers...

So in an effort to be more active and make some progress on banishing my gut, I've been spending more time at the pool, alternating days with trips to the gym. I've never really been that comfortable in water, though. I'm OK on my back, but when I attempt swimming the front crawl, I feel like I've got to take a breather midway across the pool. Somehow, I don't think my technique in catching breaths every couple of strokes is efficient, 'cause I'm watching some huge 300+ pound man casually swimming laps back and forth like it's a leisurely walk in the park.

Am I just really that out of shape? Any suggestions/helpful hints from the more aquatically inclined in the Gang?
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It could be that you are out of shape, but my guess is that it relates more to your comfort level of breathing.

Remember to breathe out when your face is in the water, and to breath in when your face is out of the water. Also, when you breathe out do it slowly and try to relax when you do it. When you lift or turn your head for a breath try not to do it with much force. I have watched some people when they breathe in do it like it is their last breath available. They are inhaling with so much force that they are actually squeezing their neck and chest muscles because they think it helps get more in. All it does is make you more tired.

An easy way to practice this while working out is to use a kick board and work on your breathing by placing your face in the water on exhale, and lifting it for an inhale.