Monday, July 30, 2007


So my sister and husband are going to Sudan to engage in a some relief work at the end of August. Since they will have already travelled many, many hours in a plane to get there, they are going to spend the end of their ten days there on a safari in Kenya. I am a little jealous, but mainly I am excited for them. On my brother-in-law's blog he posted this video. It is lengthy, but well worth the watch. Check it out.


Dutch said...

Dood! That was amazing! That had so many "plot twists" you'd think it was scripted! What a trip!

Swany said...

Wow. Your sister and brother-in-law are really going into the thick of it. Good luck to them for a productive trip.

As far as the video, I guess the life's lesson is never mess with the Water Buffalo Gang.