Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Put on your helmet, 'cause we're going spelunking...

Japan seems to have this ongoing fascination with anything cute. Young urban professional women may be adorned with all things Hello Kitty. Even the manga read by grown men on the subway are typically filled with big-eyed characters that play up cute faces more than gritty reality. So I guess it shouldn't surprise me that condoms in Japan would get the cute treatment, too.

Actually, condom packaging seems to be a big deal in the country across the Pacific. Number one on this list might actually scare a potential mate or set her up for some real disappointment when you can't live up to the advertising. I'm kind of partial to number six, the Love Cannon, myself.


Dutch said...

I can't really say why, but I'm dying to get a pack of those Gundam rubbers.

Swany said...

Just don't ask any of us to have a Gundam battle with you.

Dutch said...

I would never ask any of you to such an unfair competition.