Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hard Boiled

John Woo's 1992 action epic "Hard Boiled" was finally released on DVD Tuesday. I pre-ordered from Amazon months ago, and finally got an alert today it had been delivered to my house.
I know there are some folks here who aren't big John Woo fans, but I have to ask if you've seen this one? It is so much better then any of his Hollywood big-budget films. Chow-Yun Fat is amazing as Detective Tequila. And, let's face it, think about the lame-ass action flicks America was making in '92. This film is an action geeks dream!
Oh, and the main reason it was released; a video game written and directed by John Woo and digitally acted by Fat is being released next month as an official sequel to the film. Yes, I already pre-bought it.
Tonight I feast on infinite reloads my friends.
(video possibly NSFW, at least turn the volume down)


Swany said...

How does he manage to keep that toothpick in his mouth? And where's the doves?

I vaguely recall watching Hard Boiled back in college, but I don't remember all that much about it now.

Honestly, I kind of liked parts of Broken Arrow, Face-Off, and MI:2, but I think if John Woo had toned down some of the stylistic aspects he brought to his American flicks and got back to his roots like Hard Boiled, he'd have a much bigger fan base in the West rather than just the cult following of his Hong Kong movies he has now.

Dutch said...

Thanks for the tag - I use headphones, so I'm golden.

One of the reasons, probably the biggest, that I don't like Woo's Hong Kong films is all the innocents that get killed. I really can't stand watching that.