Saturday, July 28, 2007

Already looking a hundred times scarier than Jack Nicholson...

A new picture of the Joker and Katie Holmes replacement as Rachel Dawes was released for The Dark Knight along with a new website and teaser trailer at Word is that Heath Ledger was given a copy of The Killing Joke to help him prepare for his role.

This movie is going to be awesome! I hope.

1 comment:

Wander said...

As I've previously posted on this subject; unless they just screw up the Joker backstory so badly that it borders on the ridiculous (think scarring from a waffle iron explosion)then this film has every single ingredient to be the best comic movie to date. In my humble opinion anyway. The first one was brilliant. You replace the so-so main actress with a real bonafide actress. You add in the heroes greatest adversary, played by an incredible actor (granted, with a lilliputiative wife). You then add another terrific actor (Aaron Eckhart) and set him up to be the next villian (Two-face) by actually focusing on him as a good guy (Harvey Dent) before he falls from grace. Oh yes my bloggy friends, I predict great, great things for this film.