Sunday, July 29, 2007

Another movie with lots and lots of bullets...

I just happened to catch some Comic-Con coverage on G4 while flipping through channels, and caught an interview with Clive Owen about his new movie, Shoot 'Em Up, premiering in September. This is the first I had heard about this movie, but I think this looks pretty promising. For Wander, it looks to have guns...lots of guns. For Firecracker George, it looks to have one of his favorite character actors Paul Giamatti playing the bad guy...a really bad guy. And for all of us, it looks to feature Monica Bellucci as the female lead--she's sort of good looking. ;-)

The trailer is up on Apple's site in crystal-clear Quicktime, or you can watch the fuzzy YouTube version below:


Wander said...

I love Clive Owen (best part of Sin City in my opinion). I love Paul Gee-Icantspellhisname-i. I love movies about hitmen, guns, lone wolves against armies, scenes where the hero has two weapons in hand, and Monica Booblucci (ALOT). But, and I add this in all hope it does not represent the actual film in anyway, was that a bad 80's hair band track at the end of that preview?

Swany said...

Yeah, that did sound a bit Motley Crue-ish. Who knows, though. Maybe they'll use the 80's heavy metal in a good way. Think of Guy Ritchie using Madonna's "Lucky Star" in Snatch while Vinny Jones is smashing some guys head with a car door--brilliant.

Wander said...

Ooh, nice one Swany. Way to cite precedent!