Friday, July 20, 2007

They just seem to multiply like rabbits...

If you needed any more proof that Starbucks is firmly entrenched in America and would utterly collapse western civilization as we know it were it to ever fail, look no further than New York City and the borough of Manhattan. Manhattan has 171 separate Starbucks stores. 171!

And this guy visited every one of 'em...IN ONE DAY!!

1 comment:

Wander said...

While I was a store manager for Starbucks back in 99-2001, we had several manager meetings in Vancouver, Canada. One of the main reasons they chose that city to bring nearly 2,000 over-paid, over-drunk managers? There is an intersection in downtown Vancouver with a Starbucks on all 4 corners. The really amazing thing about them; they are 4 of the highest grossing Starbucks in the WORLD. A Starbucks does not undercut the profitability of another Starbucks. The only other thing in nature like that would be some sort of virus.