Monday, July 2, 2007

Well, my eHarmony time is nearly at an end.

My subscription expires in about two weeks, and I've chosen not to renew at this time. Instead, I'll be focusing more on creative projects, but I may come back to eHarmony some time in the future.

That being said, the whole process is now more yielding than ever before. Plenty of good prospects, some of which are really starting to pan out. And then today I get to the 'write your own questions' phase with this particular girl who I've been really interested in. Here's her first question of three really good ones. Actually the best I've ever been asked on eHarmony.

What would your super power be?

Gentlemen, how awesome is that?


Anonymous said...

Nice ... what will the response be. X-ray vision might get you in trouble because then she would know you look at other girls.

Swany said...

Invisibililty would be bad, too. She'd think you were the stalking kind.

Wander said...

Say prehensile tongue!

Anonymous said...

No say prehensile penis!