Monday, June 11, 2007

"Let's drink till we die!"

I know many American workers indulge in the after work happy hour, but that sounds tame compared to the corporate business culture of South Korea. Based on this article in The New York Times, a company manager will typically take out his underlings a couple of nights out of the week for some serious binge drinking to build up camaraderie. This usually involves dinner washed down with the Korean version of vodka, followed by a trip to a bar for some beer, and then a whiskey-lubed round of karaoke.

As is normally the case anywhere in the world, however, more level-headed influences have changed the nightlife of Korea a bit in the form of women. Because of the increasing presence of women in the workplace who are also invited along on these bonding practices out on the town, men have had to tone down their drinking habits a bit for fear of harassment lawsuits and alienating female coworkers who aren't as inclined to get totally wasted.

Anywho, what was the point of this post? Actually I have no idea. This seemed like an interesting article about Korean culture that shows how similar the East and the West are in some ways. It would be interesting to know if this was something practiced before the West moved into Asia, or if this is an adaptation of typical Western binge-drinking, but taken to the extreme, as many Western cultural practices are when translated by the East.

Also, my first thought was that Wankmaster Scratch would fit in well in this business model, and I would be whining like the women because I just couldn't keep up. My second thought? Was Firecracker George ever pulled along for one of these fraternal bonding nights on the town? And my final thought: don't challenge a Korean man to a drinking game--you'll probably lose.


Dutch said...

Yes, I was pulled along for that noise far too often. It's really no fun when you have to spend five or six hours after work with a raging alcoholic, whose stories get weirder and weirder the more he drinks (did you know that Jesus Christ was a turtle?) And I don't know if it's a genetic thing, but the Koreans I knew couldn't hold their liquor, and this me saying this.

The bonding thing is all fun until some asshole has to pick a fight on the subway home. Even at midnight, everyone is packed into the subway like sardines, so two jerks in a fight spills over onto everybody. If nothing else, you get pushed around by the domino effect.

The Korean vodka is called Soju. It's pretty good stuff, actually. Usually if you're a dude in Korea, and the meal has beef in it (expensive because it has to be imported), then you're mostly likely drinking Soju. It's kind of a macho thing like Tequila.

Swany said...

So if Jesus was a turtle, and Firecracker George is a turtle, does this mean Firecracker George is Jesus?

I'll have to try some Soju the next time my wife has a kim-chi craving and insists we go to the local Korean BBQ.

Dutch said...

You're committing a synechdochy - confusing the whole with the part. All turtles are reptiles, but not all reptiles are turtles. Dan Qualye is no Jack Kennedy, and I'm no Jesus.

Swany said...

Aha! So you're saying Jack Kennedy is Jesus, and you're Dan Quayle. These SAT questions are making my head hurt.

Synechdochy...yeah, I'll shove it up your synechdochy, buddy!