Thursday, June 21, 2007

No more getting screwed over with the bill...

I happened to run across another video about Microsoft Surface, and I suddenly got obsessed with it again. It made me wonder, if Microsoft can make something this cool, just imagine how much cooler it would be once Apple, with it's more refined sense of aesthetics and design, develops it's own expanded touch screen technology outside the realm of the iPhone.

Anywho, another commercial from Microsoft advertising this yet to be released technology. Somehow, I think Wild Willie would appreciate the very end of the video, where they use the Surface to split the dinner bill at the end of the night! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That thing is awesome. I know I have seen it before but man it is cool. I liked how they handled the tip at the end - by just sliding the amount arrow higher.

And as far as splitting the dinner bill nowadays. Yall would be proud at how little a squabble.