Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Almost makes Izzy from the '96 Olympics in Atlanta look like shear marketing genius...

Rumor has it that the projected cost to stage the 2012 Summer Olympics in London are already four times overbudget. Considering how hideous the new Olympic emblem that was just released yesterday looks, they couldn't have possibly spent any money on branding. I could have gotten a superior logo simply by supplying a one year old with some Olympic-colored crayons and a sheet of blank paper.


Wander said...

By the year 2012 all written word will be a universal pictographic system, as shown in the photo (shown symbols translation: Welcome to London, enjoy our steak and kidney pies governor!)
All cars will fly and be fueled by a rich mixture of trash and aerosol cans. All water will be abundant and pure thanks to iceberg harvesting. Finally, universal health care will be free to all!
2012, so far in the future as to be a dream... Oh wait, that's just 5 years. Yeah you're right, the logo blows.

Dutch said...

I could piss better patterns in the snow.

Anonymous said...

It kinda looks like an olympic speed skater getting ready to start a race. But that is the winter olympics, so that wont work.

I will go with a deformed transformer taking a squat in the woods.