Friday, June 22, 2007

It's on!

May 22, 2008--start the countdown!


Wander said...

I've heard so many horror stories about Ford's ego from fans I know that have met him that I pretty much stay away from his movies anymore. Except this one. Lucas, Spielberg, and Ford. It's like a formula for how to make a good movie. Plus I've missed Indy so much!

They're filming in Roswell, New Mexico by the way. Road trip anyone?

Swany said...

I've pretty much stayed away from most of Ford's recent films because they sucked. Firewall, Hollywood Homicide--who greenlighted these movies? But Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of my favorite films of all time, and I still say Harrison Ford is one of the greatest action heroes ever, even despite the little hiccups as mentioned above.