Thursday, June 28, 2007

Who thought this would be a good idea?

I knew this guy in my medical school class who had this odd fascination with the Spice Girls which I never understood. He had them on his CD player (hard to remember days before mP3), and even went to see them in concert on their worldwide tour. Oddly, he wasn't gay (or I don't think he was, at least). I couldn't even justify any interest in the Spice Girls by saying they were hot or that their music was even remotely good--actually, they're not all that spectacular looking, and their music was only kind of catchy in the very annoying sense. "Sooooo, tell me what you want, what you really really want...."

Regardless, someone thought it would be a spectacular idea to bring Posh, Ginger, Baby, Sporty, and Scary back together for a reunion tour and pay each of them ~ $20 million each. Maybe seeing this just makes me feel jealous and old--all the Spice Girls are approximately my age.

You've got to hand it to Victoria Beckham, though. She seems to be quite the PR machine, having turned her husband David Beckham into this international sports icon known as much for his fashion forward wardrobe and ever changing haircuts as he is for his football/soccer skills. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole Spice Girls reunion tour was her idea. And when you've got bills piling up to pay for things like a "poshed" out closet, well:

The report, in America's In Touch Weekly magazine claims the Beckhams have splashed out £250,000 on a walk-in closet at their luxurious new Los Angeles mansion. The room apparently comes with a "CAT-scan" such as those used in medical practice which will give her a detailed picture from all angles of herself wearing an outfit on a computer screen within seconds.

Mrs Beckham also, it is said, has a computer system set up to archive all of her outfits so that she can find them instantly, and most importantly not wear the same ones too often.

The long walk-in closet also comes with a leather floor, a Baccarat crystal chandelier, and an £40,000 Andy Warhol show print, the report concludes.

For the record, this report was vehemently denied by her publicist, but the fact that it was even remotely believable (except for the CAT scan--she'd be glowing like the sun if she used that everyday) says something about how the public perceives the Beckhams' wealth.


Wander said...

So looking at the picture, are they planning on changing their names for the new tour? From the left I see Slutty Spice, Coffee House Spice, Granola Spice, Receptionist Spice, and Chophouse-Hostess Spice.
They aren't exactly matching their original tags anymore.

Dutch said...

Are we looking at the same picture? I'm seeing Anorexic with Implants Spice, Hot Babysitter Spice, New Age Crystal Seller Stinks of Patchouli Spice, Flunking out of Cosmetology School Spice, and Business Traveler Hanging Around in the Hotel Bar Looking to Get Laid Spice.

Wander said...

While certainly right on George, I'm afraid those names are just too long to fit on a cut off baby doll tee aimed at the 12 to 15 year old spoiled-whore-in-training market. You know the same market the Spice Girl rip-off Pussycat Dolls are aimed at already.
Between Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Tara Reid, Pussycat Dolls, and a Spice Girl reunion, I'm convinced I need to take all my money and sink it into prophylactics. Or orphanages. Either way I see a big surge on the horizon for both.

Swany said...

Hey, Willie. Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

And Wander, good investment advice. Just don't put your money in underwear--they always seem to forget to put any on these days.