Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Then again, Dubya has never been known for his fashion sense...

Alright, if I had any shred of respect left for George W. Bush, I've officially lost it now. Corruption and cronies littering the White House? Bad. Poor management of the whole Iraq War? Horrible. Terrible. But neither made me as disgusted as this. The cycling socks with the Presidential seal I can live with--I actually think they're kind of cool. I mean, can you imagine being able to have your own custom socks? No, it's the footwear over the socks. Ugh. Crocs! Hide your eyes!

OK, OK. It's not that bad. I guess they do sort of coordinate with the rest of his attire. And after a long mountain bike ride, wouldn't you want to relax in some comfortable, well-ventilated footwear? I mean, look at them. They actually look a bit...European...Italian...AW CRAP! STOP ME! I've been infected! Pleeeease! Kill me.

Hopefully, I'll never find out that Lance Armstrong wears Crocs after taking off his cycling cleats--if that happens I won't care if the doping rumors are true or not.


Anonymous said...

You know what kind of money you could be making if you invested in this company? In the last six weeks you could have easily made 100% on the stock alone.

Swany said...

Ah, that's like selling your soul to the devil. I've got to stick to my principles. ;-)