Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A revelation that had a long time penetrating my Republican leanings...

I was standing around at Starbucks today waiting for a cappuccino, and noticed the front page headline of The New York Times with a story about Scooter Libby, the former chief of staff to Dick Cheney who was just sentenced to 30 years in jail for lying to federal investigators about the leak of Valerie Wilson's identity as a CIA operative. The subtitle is what really caught my eye, "No Pardon Now By Bush, the White House Says."

What struck me, though, was that I had never really thought about Bush, Cheney, or Rove pulling out the pardon card to get themselves out of this mess. It never occurred to me that no matter what shadiness is going down, whether legal or illegal, it can essentially be wiped clean by a Presidential pardon when Bush leaves office. So long as Bush himself keeps some amount of deniability in these matters, he's protected, and can probably count on the precedent of Richard Nixon being pardoned by Gerald Ford to keep himself out of jail if it ever came to that.

Now this post isn't meant to start Wander on another irate rampage about the lies and corruption spread by the Bush administration and his cronies. Just a flashing "a-ha" moment for me today I thought I'd share, and I'm not talking in the musical "Take On Me" way. The fact that the press corp even asked this question probably means half the country was already thinking about this, but somehow it was never something on the top of my mind when I read the news about this ongoing case. Whether or not this was really what Bush's Brain had in mind all along, it certainly makes for a nice conspiracy. I'm still sticking to my naivety for now that the current administration was trying to do something good, however misguided that good might be and at whatever cost (and I'm not saying it's a valid excuse). But then that also leaves Wander to comment, I'm sure, about his own strong opinions about what's going on. I'll take my licks now. ;-)


Dutch said...

He's getting 30 months, not 30 years. And it's 30 months in Club Fed at that.

I don't need to find out if Bush has any dirty dealings or if the administration set Libby up as a patsy. I'm unhappy enough as it is with what the current administration does out in the open.

Wander said...

Swany, just the fact you seem to be awakening more and more to what has been, and still is, going on in this government the past 7 years is all the reward I need. Whether you agree with me or not, knowing you are looking at it from other sides makes me very happy.
But I will say again, Scooter's case was just the first in a long line of cabinet members, and cronies, that are going to get hosed before it's all said and done. Someone will be held accountable for this war and all the lies that got us into it once we extract ourselves from the quagmire. I just pray it's Condy Rice, with her dead shark eyes. Well, I wouldn't mind Cheney getting it in the exit door for a few years from a cell mate named Spike, either. Maybe you'll learn some tolerance for the group of people your daughter is in, you walking heart attack! But, I digress. Besides, we know he couldn't be taken alive. He'd either go out on the coronary express, or go out being cut in half by 15 ATF MP-5's after a long standoff. I swear to God, if he wasn't old, white, and Republican I'd think he was a pcp addict.
Ok, none of that was contributing any real political thought, but then again, does Cheney?

Swany said...

30 months. Oops. Minor flub with the typing fingers, although I'm sure there are plenty out there who think 30 years would be more appropriate, say like Wander perhaps?

Dutch said...

I'm not even sure he is guilty. Or rather, he's guilty of following someone else's orders.

And like I wrote before, these guys don't go to state prison, they go to federal prison. State prison is where people are traded for cigarettes. Federal prison is where your "cell" is more like a dorm room, and there are no bars or razor-wired walls. Just a line of tape, and a sign that says, "inmates can not cross this line."

Wander said...

Oh, there's no doubt in my mind that Scooter is just the fall guy for Cheney. And I'm sure when Scooter gets out after a nice long rest he will be handsomely paid from the Halliburton bonuses Cheney is getting. Who needs to work in politics again when you have the guy that can basically print money at will by the short hairs. And I don't mean Cheney can tell the mints to make more money. I mean his company (I don't care if you're retired or not ex-CEO's and Officers continue getting plenty of revenue and holding sway after they are done) can basically say "Ok, another 10 billion to continue cleaning up Iraq, please" and it's approved and the rich get richer and the poor continue being the only ones that sign up to go die in a country we're just making worse and worse everyday.
Ok, now I got that anger going again. See what you do to me Swany.
Don't even get me started on how much money W must be making now that the only commodity he knows how to handle is in such high demand. The guy that made his name in American oil starts a war that continues killing American soldiers for over 4 years but drastically increases the reliance on American oil. Who doesn't get sick from that?
Ok, off topic again.