Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Verily I asketh thee: how much doth the White Stripes Rocketh?

I don't know if any of you are White Stripes fans, but I am. Right now I'm digging on their latest album. They never disappoint. I swear they just get better and better. I love bands like that.

Anywho, as I've been saying for a few months now, I think really good music transcends genre. Everyone else is trying their best to sound like those who are truly gifted. It's like Socrate's idea of perfect form and everything else being "shadows" or pale copies of the ultimate.

1 comment:

Swany said...

I've always been a bit up and down about the White Stripes, depending on what mood I'm in. Perhaps I'm a bit too yuppified. Then again, I've found that the best music albums are the ones that don't catch me the first time around, and only develops with repeated listening. I've never bought a White Stripes album, so I can't say if their stuff would do that for me.

I agree with you, though, about the great bands getting better with age. Some bands try evolving their music just for the sake of saying they're growing, and some genuinely grow.