Tuesday, April 3, 2007

What's the greatest sci-fi movie ever? No, this is not a gimme question...

I remember Wild Willie raving about the movie Serenity a while back, but haven't managed to put it on my Netflix queue yet. Perhaps I need to see this film. Based on a poll by SFX, a British science fiction magazine, Serenity is the best sci-fi movie of all time, even beating out Star Wars (and by a pretty large margin)!

Considering Willie's passion for all things Skywalker in light of his endorsement of Joss Whedon's film above, I'm wondering how he feels about this.

I'm just disappointed Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan didn't crack the top ten, 'cause that movie was awesome.



Dutch said...

I watched the entire firefly series, and then watched Serenity. It was good, but far from the best sci-fi film ever.

I mean, it wasn't even in the same league as the Matrix Trilogy or the first three Alien movies.

Or the first two Predators.

Anonymous said...

How do I feel about it? Well, you should know that when something is infinitely great, it is never intimidated by finite greatness. Actually it is pleased that others strive to be great because it proves the eternal greatness all the more. And occasionally, with our finite ability, we often can confuse the finite for the infinite.

So, I am not at all bummed out by SFX's poll. Star Wars is not threatened by it and never will be.

Wander said...

I have to agree. I really enjoyed the Firefly series when it was on, but felt the Serenity movie was just too little too late, and I still can't see how anyone who wasn't familiar with the original series had a single clue what the heck was happening.Don't get me wrong, I still watch Serenity whenever it's on one of my movie channels (which is quite often), if there is nothing else on.
And I'm not sure if that was a joke or not Swany, but I really do love Wrath of Khan (and even have it on my IPod... no kidding). I think it's starship combat is the best put on film to this day. A mix of World War II naval engagement, and pirate kill shot maneuvering. They put a lot of thought into how starships that size would engage.
As for me, Star Wars would obviously top the list, but if that answer was barred, Blade Runner would be next (which opened within a few weeks of Wrath of Khan in the summer of '82, with Tron following shortly thereafter... what an awesome summer that was).

Swany said...

No, I wasn't kidding. Star Trek II really is one of my favorite movies, although it's sort of funny given the direction the careers of William Shatner and Kirstie Alley have gone. If only the Star Trek powers that be used The Wrath of Khan as the benchmark instead of resorting to treehugger themes and time travel.

"Cap'n! There be whales!!" Ugh. Please kill me.

Dutch said...

Holy crap, how could I forget Blade Runner?

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Attack ships on fire, off the shoudler of Orion.
I've seen C-beams glitter in the darkness at Tannhauser gate.
All these moments will be lost in time,
Time to die.