Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Dharma Initiative? Now those Lost tie-ins are getting a little out of hand...

Photo: NASA

So did anyone catch these pictures taken from the Cassini Space Probe orbiting Saturn that were released by NASA a couple of weeks ago? According to the NASA site, this phenomenon isn't new, as it was also seen by Voyager 1 and 2 as they passed the planet, as well. I think the red color above is just a result of the infrared imaging used to capture the picture, but it's still kind of freaky nonetheless.

Of course, when I worried about strange alien life inhabiting Saturn and creating such a geometric shape that surely could only mean impending doom from an extraterrestrial weapon of mass destruction set to destroy the Earth, it turns out that swirling hexagonal shapes actually do occur in nature. HC? Well, I guess it's gotta be PHYSICS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kind of like the name they decided on - the Omphalos. Named after the stone that Saturn's wife gave to him to eat instead of Jupiter