Tuesday, April 17, 2007

That was Sofa King Great!

Very rarely do I watch Saturday Night Live anymore, especially since you can get most of the funny stuff online the following day. Something struck me differently this last week, and I decided to record it on my dvr. I usually stop watching after the first 30 minutes or so because the skits don't seem to be as funny later in the show, but when it is recorded it is a different story.

I happened to watch this last week and suprisingly enjoyed the whole thing. My favorite skit though was one that didn't strike me as funny at all at first. But then I realized that it was Sofa King Great.

To put a nice little bow on this wonderful post you should head over to their website and check out some of the videos. Sofa King is a good one, Shia and Maya was funny when Maya flips out and Shia almost loses it, and then you should dig into the depths and watch Laser Cats 2.

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