Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Trivial Survival Tip #1

Every once and a while you receive a Christmas gift that you would have never thought to ask for, and it turns out to be a nice treat. This last Christmas I received a book on survival techniques written by a special forces guy from England - John "Lofty" Wiseman. The book has become my bathroom reading. There is nothing like learning about how to survive in the Arctic from the comforts of my own throne.

I thought that I would share some of the trivial pieces of survival information with you on occasion. Today, I wanted to let you know that if you are in a survival situation in the Arctic, you should never eat seal or polar bear liver because they contain toxic levels of vitamin A.


Dutch said...

I appreciate the advice. I know that if I were lost in the Arctic, the first thing I would do is slay a polar bear. Knowing to avoid the liver is a life-saver. I mean, sure I'm tough enough to kill a polar bear and eat its organs raw, but this is vitamin A toxicity we're talking here!

That does sound like a cool book though. I assume it mentions that SAS is the Special Air Service.

Anonymous said...

Yes it does, and I remember it now. Most of the time I let the details paralyze me from putting up a post because they slow the process down considerbaly. I decided to let it fly this morning.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I left out how he talks about killing the seals. I will still leave it out, but I will say that this guy would not have worn a shirt that said, "Save the gay whales for Jesus!"

Dutch said...

Of course not, the shirt was nuke the gay whales for Jesus.

Anonymous said...

That's right.

Swany said...

Does it tell you what seal tastes like?

And I watched An Inconvenient Truth, so I already know how to kill a polar bear. Just drive my car around and let global warming take over.