Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Well said ...

I happened to be perusing the net today and stumbled upon an interview with Battlestar Galactica's Ronald Moore. It was a good interview and can be found here. What I really liked though was this quote which made me want to set up a lunch between Moore and the creators of Lost. Now I have not seen the last two episodes of Lost, but I seriously doubt that they have changed their mindset to be one like Moore's. Here are his thoughts:

But the tease only works to a certain point. Ultimately, if you take the story all the way to the end, you do need to give the audience some answers to some of these things. Maybe not everything. There's probably some elements that we will leave mysterious even after the show is over. But I think you have to at least ground the audience in some reality for some of these things that have happened. Even if the explanation is a supernatural one, you want to give them some explanation and feel a payoff for the time and effort they've put into the show up to that point.

The reason I have not seen the last two episodes of Lost is because I don't feel like I am going to get that payoff.

1 comment:

Swany said...

Actually, the last couple of Lost episodes were probably the best of the season, and did give me the feeling that they were moving towards revealing some stuff to tie a few things together. I'd suggest giving them a look if they're still on your DVR or watch them online.

Kind of interesting to think that Lost and BSG have essentially been on for the same amount of seasons, and I really don't know what the big reveal is going to be for either one.

Anywho, tonight's Lost episode was written by Brian K. Vaughan, who's gotten a lot of buzz for the comic book writing he's done on Y: The Last Man and Runaways. Don't give up on the show yet.