Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Pining for the Wankmaster

Now I'm of course all for us choosing our own Nom de Keyboards, but I must say that Deacon Benny "Scratch" Swindoll, formerly known as Deacon Benny "Doc" Swindoll, formerly know as that skinny kid with the Charlie Brown glasses, at one time on another blog appearantly had the moniker, Wankmaster Scratch.

I'd just like to throw in that if he were at all ambivalent about his name, that I give my vote to Wankmaster Scratch. It's a shorter, more fitting name for the highly educated pervert we all know and love.


W.M. Scratch said...

In order to make references to me easier - I gladly except the necessary changes to my original moniker. From here I dub thee (me) Wankmaster Scratch

Dutch said...


BionicBuddha said...

Great Blogsite...and congrats to Wankmaster on the new monicher. I hope it serves him well.