Friday, August 25, 2006

Better than The Babe

I don't know what people think of him outside of the Midwest, but in St. Louis where the Cardinals seem to be the unifying force that brings peace to the universe, Albert Pujols is a god.

Washington University recently had him perform a number of tests similar to some done on Babe Ruth back in 1921 to get some insight as to what makes elite athletes different than you or me. Kind of an interesting read, and makes me want to pick up that September issue of GQ.

1 comment:

Dutch said...

You know, all you non-homosexuals can't really fathom how alienating it is to not give a wet fart about sports.

At least I've owned up to it. Now instead of trying to pretend like I know what the hell co-workers are talking about, I just tell them that I don't follow sports.