Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This sucks.

I just read that Heath Ledger died today, from what looks like an overdose of sleeping pills. He was 28.

I was writing up a list of favorite actors for the blog a few days ago, and he was near the top. Man, I don't know what to say right now, other than this really sucks. He was so young, and so talented. I just think this is a shame.


Swany said...

I kind of feel bad that my first thought when I heard this was "Man, I hope he finished all his work on The Dark Knight."

I hope this really wasn't an overdose. I'd have less sympathy for the guy if he killed himself.

Anonymous said...

Yep this does suck. It is always a shame when something like this happens. From what I read, it was accidental and could have been brought on by a recent bought of pneumonia.

Dutch said...

Now I'm reading that playing the Joker gave him insomnia. Of course, I didn't really read this from a reputable source.

Either way, at the moment it sounds like an accident.

Personally though, I would still have sympathy for him if it was suicide. To be that talented and have that bright of a future (and a two year old daughter), and then be so despondent that you don't recognize the gifts life has for you - well that's a shame and I would pity the person who couldn't see that. Of course, I feel that way about nearly everybody who attempts or completes suicide, not just celebrities.