Thursday, January 24, 2008

They just don't make Bond titles like "Octopussy" anymore...

The new title for the 22nd installment of the James Bond franchise was announced today: Quantum of Solace.


Yeah.  Sure.  Mmm...'kay.

This was taken from the title of a short story about Bond at a dinner party in one of Ian Fleming's books.  Nothing else really happens in the story.  Just dinner and some conversation. The good news, though, is that the writers of Bond 22 have apparently taken a page out of The Bourne Ultimatum playbook, i.e. the original literature source has absolutely nothing to do with what ends up on the screen.  Therefore, we can look forward to the usual action elements we're accustomed to from a 007 movie and not just an extended scene from some British romantic comedy starring Hugh Grant (because he's always going to a dinner party in his movies--think about it).  


Anonymous said...

That name is horrible. Quantum of So What. Heck even Quantumgalore or Quantumpussy would have been cool, but Quantum of Solace! Hopefully the girl's character names are still interesting.

Swany said...

As long as it's not something as bad as Christmas Jones. You spend the entire movie scratching your head trying to figure out why they came up with such a stupid name, and find out that it was all a set up for the sex scene at the end so Bond could say, "I thought Christmas only comes once a year."


I'm still partial to Pussy Galore and Holly Goodhead.

Swany said...

Oh yeah, and I wonder if they picked Quantum of Solace because it had at least two "O"s in the title to use for the strategic placement of 007 like they did for Casino Royale. That would be sad.

Dutch said...

I always thought Plenty O'Toole was one of the funnier Bond girl names.

As she said, she was named after her father.

Then again what was really funny was Mike Meyers' joke on Bond girl names in the first Austin Powers movie: Alotta Fagina.