Wednesday, January 16, 2008

That wasn't a UFO, it was the new MacBook Air...

First, wackos boiling up their girlfriends for dinner, and now this?  It's the first signs of an alien invasion, I tell ya'!

I especially like the comment in this video about the guy who decided not to shoot at the UFO for fear he might start an interstellar war.  Journalism at its finest.

I, for one, have never seen a UFO, but I think Wander and Firecracker George have a couple of sightings they can share.


Anonymous said...

There wouldn't have been an interstellar war, they would have just beamed him up and then probed his anus to see what we humans are full of.

Anonymous said...

While I have not had a UFO sighting, I have experienced a UFO just outside of the Grand Canyon with Firecracker George. (True statement, and no homosexual jokes here please.)

Dutch said...

Yeah, when we were what - 11 or 12 maybe - Wander and I and Wander Sr. saw one while staying in a cabin in the Palo Duro Canyon. We all went out to take a pee before hitting the hay, and of course we were looking at our feet to make sure we weren't soaking our shoes. Then Wander Sr. says, "Look at that," and we looked up and saw something kind of football shaped, but not as pointy on the ends, bright white with a blueish haze, zipping around the sky. It made no noise, and it seemed like soon after we noticed it, it started zinging back and forth from one end of the horizon to the next (keep in mind this is West Texas)and then stopped in the middle and sank below our field of vision. It was odd as hell.

Then, a little over 11 years W2 and I were camping in the Grand Canyon as he said, with some fraternity buddies of his. We were the only ones still awake in the tent, when an incredibly bright light shone through the tent. At first we thought it was a park ranger with a vehicle searchlight, but a)we couldn't hear any engine noise or tires on gravel (we weren't that far from the road, I think), and b) it seemed like it was shining from directly overhead, and we weren't in the canyon yet.

The weird part about that was we were absolutely terrified, but laughing our butts off at the same time. I think it was because I was trying to pull out the blade on my leatherman tool to fend off the alien invaders, and we were laughing at the absurdity. If we were about to be accosted by creatures who could manage flying saucers, I doubt me and my knife would be a concern of theirs.

So anyway, I never saw a UFO the second time (because we were too scared to poke our heads out of the tent), but to this day neither of us have figured out what could have shone a light from directly above and made no noise at all.

Having written this now, I realized two things. 1)The first instance happened when I was around 11, (I think), the second happened nearly 11 years later, which was as I mentioned, 11 years ago. 2)Both happened while I was camping.

You know, I was thinking about going camping. Maybe I'll wait.

Dutch said...

Actually, I can't believe I missed #3 - both were in canyons. I don't think there are any around Houston, so I might be okay to go camping.

Wander said...

What George forgets to mention, the UFO we sighted as kids is still one of the single largest sightings in America. Over 50 people reported a strange sight that night, and that was just the people brave enough to phone it in. It's actually listed in the Time-Life Strange Phenomonon series of books.