Friday, February 23, 2007

Yup, those were the days...

In response to Wander's post below, is this the movie you speak of?

Apparently, Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles is available on DVD now, and even was showing in some theater for a couple of days last month in Firecracker George's neck of the woods. There doesn't seem to be enough sappy romance in this one from what I can tell based on the trailer, which I hate to admit is probably why I liked the original series so much.

Anywho, I liked the video Wander posted. Makes me think of less stressful days when I actually looked forward to getting up at 7:00 AM on a Saturday to watch that show. Oh, the things our kids will never understand with things like TiVo, YouTube, and DVDs. I'm surprised Cartoon Network hasn't broadcast reruns of Robotech. I feel the need to go get the original series on DVD now, though. Actually, I've been meaning to do that for years. Maybe I'll get around to doing that when I go purchase that Lotus I keep talking about.

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