Monday, February 19, 2007

The Right Mix

After missing it two weeks in a row, I remembered to watch BSG last night. I know that there have been complaints that the show was lacking in it's previous luster, but I think last night had the right formula - a mix of character drama and action; man vs. self and man vs. nature (in the case of last night, at least.)
So last night was Admiral Adama's turn for self-reflection and growth; with the memory of his ex-wife, his son, and his possible new love interest. All very well done and convincing. Interspersed with this is an action story of sorts, Kalli and the Chief getting stuck in the airlock and having to go out the back way. So a good balance of character development, and harrowing adventure to keep the show from becoming a soap opera. I think that as long as they don't stray too far to either side for too many consecutive episodes they'll be good.


Swany said...

Yeah, last night was pretty good, and I typically hate any episode that prominently features Cally.

And sorry I forgot to post anything yesterday to remind you to watch BSG--I was still a bit on a high after shooting an elephant gun earlier in the day. More about that later.

Wander said...

Wow, an elephant gun! Did you have to load in one elephant at a time or did it have a 30 elephant magazine?

Swany said...

It was an eight round revolver. My back is killing me!