Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Stirring the Soul

Often times it is easy to get discouraged, and to let your dreams just fade into the background. Once that has happened for me I just sort of wade through life until something inspirational stirs my soul and awakens the dreams again. So to keep this from happening, I am making a list of the things that I find that wake my soul up and get it excited so that I can resort to them when I get discouraged. A few from my list would include the movie Braveheart (as well as the soundtrack), staring at campfire, and reading Hebrews 11. The list goes on, but I would like to know what inspires you? What stirs your soul awake?


Dutch said...

Hot and nasty sex.

That and insightful revelations and innovations in artwork or music.

Actually, the biggest motivator for me is to imagine the heartbreak I would feel on my deathbed if I didn't accomplish, or at least make my best attempt at, my life goals.

Swany said...

Interesting topic. I've been thinking about this all day since I read your post, and couldn't come up with a thing. Perhaps this is why I've been depressed for awhile--I've forgotten what inspires me. These days, I only seem to be running on the fear of meeting deadlines, the responsibilities of life, and memories of my recent failures to accomplish goals that I didn't necessarily set for myself, but are requirements of my job. I'm beginning to feel like I'm on some journey to the darkest depths of my soul.

W.M. Scratch said...

What inspires me...

- ice cream
- warmth
- laughing out loud
- getting up before most people and smelling the morning (doesn't happen often)
- staying up later than most people (happens often)
- getting drunk with friends
- hearing good new music (again doesn't happen often)
- listening to my favorite music (happens often)
- making someone laugh
- sneezing
- saying a joke that I have said a million times, just because (I don't know any others - what is the difference between boogers and asparagus??? kids will eat boogers.)
- sailing (me versus nature, though nature might win)
- this blog, because it is my best friends
- yelling for no reaon
- going grocery shopping (because I like food and because it is the only shopping i get to generally do)
- mountain biking
- getting to hear I did a good job
- my di@k in a box
- the occasional accidental sketch
- warm hot tubs
- books read on the toilet
- books read on a sunday afternoon
- books read while at work

Anonymous said...

saying a joke you have said a million times ... maybe that is why I enjoy your company so much. I can say the same joke you have heard many times and you will still laugh. You know how many times I see and Echo on the street and just start laughing?

Swany, looking into the darkest depths of your soul is an uncomfortable journey but one that you will gain much insight from. Be honest with yourself as you take the journey, and remember that you will possibly find the brightest heights of your sould on the other side.

Dutch said...

Oh yeah, totally. You have to go into the deep, dark, scary places of yourself and face it. Then you fight with it. Then you accept it. If you run from it, it will only get worse.

And if that doesn't work, try hot and nasty sex.

Actually try that anyway.

Anonymous said...

I am curious to know what would suffice for the "nasty" part of hot and nasty sex.

I mean ... I am Wild WIllie, so isn't it a bit redundant to say hot and nasty. It's all nasty baby.

Well I guess if you throw in rim jobs and what not it might take it to the nasty level.

Dutch said...

I actually meant nasty as a positive thing - a state of mind.

Then you had to go and mention rim jobs.

I don't know how you guys feel about it (well, most of you), and I don't need to know, but my interest with the butt stops at the cheeks.

The most delicate way that I can put it is that I'm sort of a germophobe.

I mean 69 with a short girl is bad enough.

Willie started it, Pimp.

Swany said...

I'm a bit surprised as to the direction this post has gone. You'd think this stuff would have ended up on the hi-def porn story.

Anywho, I'm just wondering why Scratch was up at 3:30 AM on a Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Probably hot and nasty sex!

Anonymous said...

More germs come from the mouth than the butt. Do you not kiss girls?

(This question is in no way intended to lead you to think that I choose my kissing locations based on germs ... that would be firecracker.)