Friday, February 16, 2007

No Big Surprise

Well the reviews for Ghost Rider are awful. And that includes sites where the movies are reviewed by comic fans like Sadly, I had a feeling. Oh well, I still have Frank Miller's 300 coming out in a few weeks, and the early reviews are stunning. It premiered at the Berlin Film Festival yesterday and was greeted by a ten minute standing ovation afterwards, as well. Swords, epic battles, men who stand up for an ideal and lay down their lives to fight for it, this film has everything I love in a story. Oh and it is based on one of my favorite Frank Miller graphic novels, so it has that going for it, too.


Swany said...

Honestly, I've never actually read a Ghost Rider comic, so I can't say I was even planning on seeing the movie. Adding to my disinterest, I'm not a big fan of Nicholas Cage. He's been in plenty of stinkers, and I think he's just kind of weird. Really, who names their kid Kal-El? Talk about unrealistic expectations growing up. I'm just glad that Nick Cage-Superman movie never got off the ground. That would have destroyed the Superman franchise for sure.

300, though, looks mighty cool. 10 minute ovation? My hands would be numb and bleeding by then. Gotta take the Berlin Film Festival reception with a grain of salt, though. I mean, we are talking about the Germans, who have this odd fascination with David Hasselhoff music.

And speaking of Frank Miller, word is they're going to adapt one of his old limited series from D.C.--Ronin. I remember getting an issue of that and thinking it had potential, although back then trade paperbacks didn't exist and the back issues were too expensive for me to buy the rest of the series. Man, remember those days? Back issues? I can't believe how much money we must have blown on the overinflated prices of some back issues.

Anonymous said...

I didn't blow much money on back issues, but I did try to convince my wife that Kal-El would have been a cool name for our daughter. We would have changed the spelling to be more feminine, but she didn't go for it obviously.

Here is an interesting piece of trivia for you. In an episode of Entourage, the actor who plays Dwight Schrute was the main writer for They set him up with some hot chicks so he will write a good review of the movie Aquaman.

Swany said...

Hot chicks? They were pornstars!

And I thought you were naming your kid after Vince Young. Well, I guess he is as close to Superman as they come these days. ;-)

Dutch said...

I've finally been able to put my finger on it. The high contrast on the film (the bright highlights and deep shadows, and the lack of a subtle transition between the two) looks like Klaus Janson's inks. For any who don't remember, Janson inked Miller's pencil drawings in The Dark Knight Returns.

300 is a moving comic book. I wonder if this might renew interest in comics, or usher in a new era where film can have as many different visual interpretations beyond photorealistic as do comics.