Friday, May 18, 2007

Untapped market?

When my wife hears about Firecracker George and his dating woes, she usually suggests to me to tell him to sign up for a cooking class 'cause they're bound to be full of women. My usual response is, "No way. All those single chicks are bound to think he's gay. What straight guy takes a cooking class by himself?"

But what do I know? According to The New York Times, single chicks in these hobby classes are just dying for more male participation in hopes of finding a new mate:

No one denies that love occasionally blooms during Thai kickboxing or jazz appreciation. Or that some women are simply picky or overeager. Still, grumbles about the lack of single men in group classes are not unfounded.

Professionals who oversee classes in New York suggested that men have a tendency to avoid group instruction, particularly beginner classes, because they think they should already know all about, say, sports or wine. Those who do seek instruction, they said, generally prefer private lessons.
Considering the metropolis you live in, Firecracker George, I'm sure such similar opportunities abound and are just waiting for a ladies man like yourself to sweep the women off their feet.

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