Saturday, May 26, 2007

New Die Hard Trailer!

Speaking of 80's action films... I won't lie, I think this trailer is AWESOME!

1 comment:

Swany said...

I remember back in the Summer of '88 going down to the mall with Scratch (I'm pretty sure it was Scratch) to see Die Hard having absolutely no expectations whatsoever of this guy we only knew from his comedic work in Moonlighting and Blind Date. As I recall, everyone else was out of town or something, and we were bored out of our minds one sunny afternoon, so we said, "What the hell. Let's go see a movie." Needless to say, I think we both walked out thinking, "Wow. That wasn't half bad."

Who would have thought Bruce Willis will now forever be remembered as an action star with his comedic work relegated to a side note?

Anywho, an over the top Die Hard sequel with a Joint Strike Fighter causing havoc in the streets? I'm all over that!